

2017: Short Cuts

2016:Memoir Magic
Prose has been employed in English from the early 1300’s. It is written language without a discernible metrical structure. Prose includes fictional stories, like fantasy or romance, through to memoir. Our members enjoy all forms of creative writing as those below attest.
Discovery Writers' anthologies feature winning texts from competitions and submissions. They reveal a wide variety of writing styles and themes.
Stories range from humorous to sad and poignant, from local to international. Both poetry and prose are included. Memoir and short story. Epigrams
and pithy sayings are a recent feature. To obtain your printed copy please query by email: click to send.
Latest prose
Click on the titles below to open the pdf:
Christmas Eve by Baska Bartsch
Reminiscence - a haibun
Rita Potente

velvet refrains
delicate afternoon
Penny dozed in her cane chair that overlooked the garden. The warm day and soft humming of bees had lulled her into slumber while Gracie, her ginger cat, sat preening herself in the mid-morning sun.
The garden had won many local gardening awards. Floral fragrances filled the air. But now Penny’s roses struggled against an onslaught of aphids and rampant weeds. Gracie cast a nonchalant glance at a skink scurrying for shelter under a flowerpot then continued with her grooming.
The harsh caw of a crow startled Penny. Dishevelled and fragile she rose unsteadily and reached out for a chair. She teetered towards the kitchen using the wall for support as she went.
Gracie quickly jumped from her perch and dashed inside before Penny. The kitchen was small but luckily Gracie had settled under a chair leaving the path clear for Penny to make her way to the calendar hanging prominently on the bright yellow wall. As tears formed, Penny reached up and traced around the red circle already marking the day’s date.